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Archaeological Assessment and Excavation


CourtneyDeery carry out test excavation in order to inform the client of the archaeological potential of the land and to devise an effective risk assessment strategy.

Archaeological Monitoring — Archaeological remains do not always have a surface expression in the landscape and in urban areas they sometimes lie at great depth beneath buildings. While it can be easy to predict the presence and the nature of archaeological remains in urban contexts, it can sometimes be difficult to predict precisely what lies beneath greenfield sites. In these situations remains are only revealed when clearance of topsoil and overburden is thoroughly inspected by trained archaeologists.

Archaeological monitoring is also conducted during the earthmoving works for site preparation and construction stages of a project by our experienced licensed archaeologists. Where archaeological features are found we ensure the rapid resourcing of additional teams for the resolution of the archaeology to ensure that there are no to time delays. If a significant find is identified, we will liaise with the National Monuments Service to ensure a satisfactory outcome for both the client and the archaeology.

CourtneyDeery have worked with conservation architects and conservation engineers and have carried out monitoring of site investigation and demolition works in sensitive archaeological zones and at historic structures.


Excavation occurs on sites where it has been agreed with the client and the statutory authorities that preservation by record is the preferable option for recording archaeological sites and features.


It is usually carried out as part of planning consent. We assess the archaeological significance and provide specialist advice in relation to statutory requirements. Our work demonstrates a best-practice approach and identifies realistic outcomes for clients. 

We have an experienced team of licensed archaeologists who have a thorough knowledge of Irish archaeology, site types and associated finds. The team have worked on a wide range of archaeological site types for a variety of development types including road schemes, housing developments, pipeline schemes and industrial and recreational projects. We also work with a variety of ancillary specialists.


We have a proven ability to meet required deadlines in the field and deliver accurate, well presented reports leading to the discharge of planning conditions.


We have experienced specialists who assess all finds and artefacts from site and provide detailed reports. CourtneyDeery have developed environmental sampling strategies for archaeological excavations which allow for the retrieval of environmental remains for dating and specialist analyses. 

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